Biggest Class So Far!

Last night marked our largest ever class, with eighteen people on the mat. Artemis BJJ classes have gone through a lot of growth this month, after moving everything over to MYGYM Bristol. The increase in sign-ups has enabled us to reinvest in the club, moving all lessons down to the large main mats.

Friday is therefore joining that main mat timetabling, running 18:30-19:30 as usual. Open mat sessions are all still upstairs, but if this growth continues, it won’t be long before it’s possible to move the Sunday open mat downstairs too. Hooray for space! You can take a look at the Classes page to clarify exactly where sessions are now taking place.

It was especially cool that four of the students yesterday were women. As it stands, almost a third of the current membership at Artemis BJJ is female, meaning we’re progressing towards that 50/50 gender balance goal. Remember, there is a women-only class on Wednesdays: full details are over on the Women’s Class page. Bring your friends! 😀

If you’re interested in training with us at our central Bristol location just around the corner from Cabot Circus,  please don’t hesitate to drop us a line at You can also call on 07740 197 319, or visit our Facebook page.

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