In August 2018, three of us from Artemis BJJ headed to Heidelberg in Germany for another BJJ Globetrotters Camp. In Can’s case it was his seventh camp, but the two students hadn’t been before. There was lots of excellent training, Dungeons & Dragons and a random impromptu bodybuilding competition (won by the very awesome Heather Raftery).
Most importantly for the club, Can has loads of techniques to bring back and teach. We’ll be taking a look at Lilo Asensi’s intriguing instep to neck armbar series, Jeff Knight’s pointers on half guard, Heather Raftery’s details on the crucifix and quarter guard, Daniel Bertina’s passing and some introductory leglock material from Charles Harriott.
In fact, we will be lucky enough to have Charles himself teach that material, as he will be in the UK later this month. There will therefore be a two hour introductory footlocks seminar on the 31st August, from 18:30-20:30, followed by open mat. As always with Artemis BJJ seminars, this will cost £20 and everybody is welcome, wherever you train. Check out the Facebook event page for more details.

Also, don’t forget that Can is launching his own mini-camp in August to try and bring that BJJ Globetrotter feeling to Bristol. This first event, on the 25th and 26th August weekend, is a test to see if it’s a viable option. It will be held at 213 Whiteladies Road, our Clifton venue (full changing facilities and showers for both women and men).
We have six black belts booked: Seymour ‘Meerkatsu’ Yang, world champions Chelsea Bainbridge-Donner and Tom Barlow, pioneering female grappler Gret Zoeller, plus Neil Owen (one of the most experienced black belts in the UK) and his student James Boyle (who runs a successful BJJ academy in Chesterfield). The schedule will be as follows:
Sat 25th August
09:30-10:30 Yoga with Heidi
15:00-15:10 Open Mat
15:10-16:10 Seymour Yang
16:10-16:25 Open Mat
16:25-17:25 Chelsea Bainbridge-Donner
17:25-17:40 Open Mat
17:40-18:40 Tom Barlow
18:40-19:00 Open Mat
Sun 26th August
11:00-12:00 Can Sönmez
15:00-15:20 Open Mat
15:20-16:20 Gret Zoeller
16:20-16:30 Open Mat
16:30-17:30 James Boyle
17:30-17:40 Open Mat
17:40-18:40 Neil Owen
18:40-19:00 Open Mat
Mon 27th August
11:00-12:00 Can Sönmez
Tickets are £50, which is non-refundable as the proceeds will be used to pay for the venue and the instructors. However, you can of course sell that ticket on if it turns out you can no longer make the event. Please contact info@artemisbjj.com if you would like to buy a ticket: there is a maximum of 30, so you’ll need to be quick!