The BJJ Globetrotter Camps are amazing, which is why Can regularly attends several every year. Unfortunately, not everybody has the time to take a whole week off work to enjoy a spot of pyjama wrestling. Therefore, Artemis BJJ hosted a mini BJJ training camp right here in Bristol to bring a taste of that experience closer to home. Our first attempt, mostly in an effort to test to see if this BJJ training camp idea can work, was held over the 25th-26th August at our Clifton location, The Exercise Club on 213 Whiteladies Road, along with a few sessions at MYGYM (directions are over on our Locations page). Everybody is always welcome at Artemis BJJ, wherever you train.
There was training on both Saturday and Sunday from 15:00 through to 19:00. We had six black belts teaching us, including Seymour Yang (who runs the world famous Meerkatsu brand), world champions Chelsea Bainbridge-Donner and Tom Barlow, pioneering female grappler Gret Zoeller, plus Neil Owen (one of the most experienced black belts in the UK) and his student James Boyle (who runs a successful BJJ academy in Chesterfield). The schedule was as follows:
Sat 25th Aug
09:30-10:30 Yoga with Heidi
11:00-12:00 Judo intro with Marcus
15:00-15:10 Open Mat
15:10-16:10 Seymour Yang
16:10-16:25 Open Mat
16:25-17:25 Chelsea Bainbridge-Donner
17:25-17:40 Open Mat
17:40-18:40 Tom Barlow
18:40-19:00 Open Mat
Sun 26th Aug
11:00-12:00 Can Sönmez
15:00-15:20 Open Mat
15:20-16:20 Gret Zoeller
16:20-16:30 Open Mat
16:30-17:30 James Boyle
17:30-17:40 Open Mat
17:40-18:40 Neil Owen
18:40-19:00 Open Mat
Mon 27th Aug
11:00-12:00 Can Sönmez
We had an excellent turnout, with around 30 grapplers sharing the mats over the Bank Holiday weekend (you can check out Meerkatsu’s write up over on his website). Putting open mat inbetween each class worked well, though perhaps a longer break for lunch would be worth trying next time. There is scope to expand on the Sunday, if we hold it in the same venue, so that could mean more classes and more open mat. There is also the option of upgrading in terms of space, to the larger venue at MYGYM, though that would mean a higher ticket price. We’ll be considering the options over the next few months.
Please follow the Artemis BJJ Facebook page if you would like to stay updated on future camps, which also have a dedicated page on this website. You will then be able to contact if you would like to buy a ticket. 😉
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